Sunday, January 18, 2015

Happy New Year!

To my few and dear readers,

I know that it has been a while since I last visited my small corner of the internet world; indeed, my struggle with budgeting time for something that I enjoy doing was beginning to frustrate me.  However, I recently realized that to be so hard on myself wastes time, and is altogether unnecessary.  The past two months have been ones of beautiful growth and gradual learning.  I'm learning to love making a home for my husband and me.  I'm learning to find a balance between working, cooking healthy meals, and making sure neither of us neglects taking care of ourselves and each other.  I'm learning that God's Will is a mysteriously lovely web of which I only catch mere glimpses as each piece falls into place in my life, its beauteous whole I look forward to seeing in life hereafter.

As I continue to establish and perfect my daily routine, my posting will inevitably continue to vary, but I'm determined to seize every opportunity I receive to compose my thoughts and pay a visit to this online journal.  For those of you following along, I thank you for your patience and understanding.  I hope you all are enjoying a lovely beginning to this fine new year, and I pray that it may bring with it many blessings upon you and yours.


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Meditation of the Day

Doing Good on the Sabbath      Heavenly Father, we rejoice that amid the ceaseless cares and anxieties, the vain desires and wearisome ...